If It Kills Me
Kud puklo da puklo (1974)
Director: Rajko Grlić
Screenplay: Rajko Grlić, Srđan Karanović, Alex Koenigsmark
Cinematographer: Živko Zalar
Music: Brane Živković
Editor: Inge Smaiser
Production designer: Dražen Juračić
Cast: Mladen Budiščak, Jagoda Kaloper
Producer: Sulejman Kapić
Produced by: Jadran Film, Zagreb - Croatia Film, Zagreb, 1974
35mm - color - 89 min.

If It Kills Me is a story about Budilica, a twenty-five year old worker. One morning he gives up his work in order to end a way of life that was becoming routine. Together with his girlfriend Jagoda, a student and a daughter from a rich family, Budilica helps a film crew preparing to shoot a film about him. He abandons his parents, his friends, and all of his previous securities and sets out to search for something new, something different, and as he puts it, "a new life which must be somewhere."
The film was shown at many international film festivals and won the "Silver Venus" award from the Ministry of Culture in Italy; the critics award for "best Yugoslavian film in 1974;" the Jury Award for "The Best First Film" at the Pula Film Festival and various critics’ awards for "Best First Film" and "Best Festival Film" from various film magazines. Three actors from the film received actor awards at the Nis Film Festival.